Preschool Administration and Philosophy

In His Hands offers preschool classes for three-, four-, and five-year-old children. The preschool is licensed through the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services and complies with standards and regulations set for preschool and daycare centers.

The preschool is administered by a committee comprised of preschool parents and members of First Methodist Church. All IHH teachers hold an education degree and Texas teacher certification.

Our preschool seeks to provide a friendly, Christian environment in which young children can grow physically, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. In His Hands children have many opportunities to work and play with peers and caring adults. The balanced program of guided activities is designed to stimulate initiative and creativity, to further a sense of self-worth, and to build a readiness for public school. The preschool program is oriented around Christianity, but not denominationally structured. Children of all races and religions are welcome.