
Fees are payable on the 5th of every month, regardless of holidays, bad weather days, or your child's attendance. There will be a late charge of $5.00 per day on payments received after the 5th of the month. Checks should be made payable to In His Hands Child Development Center and paid in the preschool office. If tuition fees are not paid in full, including late fees, by the 16th of the month, your child will not be allowed to continue in the program until your balance is cleared. There is a $25.00 insufficient fund fee applied to your account on all returned checks and drafts. A returned check or draft must be paid with a money order.

All tuition payments must be delivered to the preschool office. Payments can be left with the director, secretary, or the director’s assistant, put in the black mailbox, or placed through the mail slot in the office door. IHH will not be responsible for tuition being left in the child’s folder, backpack, lunchbox, basket, or with any other personnel.

Please click here to view and download the current tuition schedule.