Safety and Security

Emergency Preparedness
Health and Safety


  • Each family will be issued two (2) access keyring style fobs to access the east door (Happy Bank side) during IHH hours.
  • For large IHH events, the access system will be disarmed to allow extended family and friends to gain access to the building. This includes church events such as funerals.
  • If you lose your fob, please notify the IHH office immediately. Your fob will be deactivated and you may purchase a replacement for $20.00.
  • All fobs will be returned to the IHH office at the end of the school year or when a child withdraws.
  • The fob does not take the place of the authorized list for picking up children. Anyone picking up a child must still be on the list and know the identification number.
  • Each child will be issued an identification number at enrollment. The child’s teacher will receive your child at the door of his/her classroom upon arrival, and your child will be released only to the parent/guardian unless prior arrangements have been made.
  • All persons authorized to pick up a child must be at least 16 years of age with a valid driver’s license. A driver’s license may be required the first time the designated person picks up the child or anytime the teacher is unfamiliar with the person picking up the child. Each authorized person needs to have a copy of their driver’s license on file for identification purposes.
  • If someone other than a parent or guardian picks up your child, that person must know the ID number and leave a copy of his/her driver’s license with the office. Your child will be released only to a person that knows the ID number.
  • When dropping your child off, sign in your child with the date and signature, along with a current telephone/text number. Knock at the door and stay outside the classroom until the teacher receives your child.
  • When picking your child up, sign out your child with the date and signature. Knock at the door and stay outside the classroom so that the other children will remain safe and calm.

Emergency Preparedness

  • Outside playgrounds, Fellowship Hall, or surrounding area:
    • IHH employees will carry a walkie-talkie any time they are on the front playground, in Fellowship Hall, in the grassy playground, toddler playground, or while taking a walk.
    • The person in charge or front office will communicate to the outside areas via walkie-talkie.
    • A building diagram is posted near the door of each classroom where children are being cared for, as well as in the IHH office.
  • Evacuation: immediate situation arises rendering inside of building unsafe; safety can be sought outdoors (example: fire, fire drill, chemical leak, building safety concern)
    • Long continuous ring (training: spreads like a fire)
    • Evacuation drills are held once a month.
    • The person in change or office staff will notify classrooms that are outside via walkie-talkie that there is a situation requiring evacuation.
    • In the event of a fire, chemical leak, or a building safety concern, we will evacuate the building. All classrooms exit the building at the sound of a long continuous ring. The preschool secretary, director, or front office staff will call the fire department.  Classrooms will meet in the east grassy playground. The upstairs classrooms are divided into two groups. The first group consists of rooms 203 (music room), 209, 210, 211, and 213. They will leave, with their class notebooks and first-aid kit box, down the west stairwell and exit through the west door, walk around the block and meet at the east grassy playground.  The second group consists of rooms 212, 214, 215, 216, 220, and 223 (tech room).  They will leave, with their class notebooks and first-aid kit box, through the middle stairwell (playground) and exit through the playground doors, continue through the gates and around to the east grassy playground.
    • The four classrooms downstairs consist of rooms 114, 115, 116, and 117. They will exit, with their first-aid kits and classroom notebooks,through the church front doors and walk around to the east grassy playground. The teachers, church staff, and office staff will help to carry babies and toddlers to the east grassy playground.  
    • Children who are under 24 months of age or who have limited mobility, or who otherwise may need assistance in an emergency such as children who have mental, visual, or hearing impairments are assisted as follows:
      • Lead Teachers, assistants, and office staff will assist children individually to their secure area.
      • Evacuation cribs will be used for birth through 15-month-old children to transport them to their secure area.
    • All staff will begin notifying parents immediately by school cell phone. The police and fire department will be notified so that the information can be put out on their social media for parent notification and unification. The children will wait at the east grassy playground for reunification with their parents. The State will be notified within 48 hours of unsafe conditions.
  • Relocation: imminent situation rending inside and outside of building unsafe (example: remaining in east grassy playground puts children at risk due to proximity to the building, weather, or other conditions
    • Long continuous ring (training: spreads like a flood)
    • The person in charge or office staff will use a walkie-talkie to notify classrooms that are outside
    • In the event of a fire, flood, chemical leak, or any event that requires that we relocate from the building, all classrooms will exit the building at the sound of a long, continuous ring. The preschool director, secretary, or front office staff will call the fire department. Classrooms will meet in the east grassy playground.
    • The upstairs classrooms are divided into two groups. The first group (rooms 203, 209, 210, 211, and 213) will leave, with their class notebooks and first-aid kit box, down the west stairwell and exit through the west door, walk around the block, and meet at the east grassy playground. The second group (rooms 212, 214, 215, 216, 220, and 223) will leave, with their class notebooks and first-aid kits, through the middle stairwell (playground), exit through the playground doors, continue through the gates, and around to the east grassy playground.
    • The four downstairs classrooms consist of rooms 114, 115, 116, and 117 They will exit, with their first-aid kits and class notebooks, through the church's front doors and walk around to the east grassy playground. The teachers, church staff, and office staff will help to carry babies and toddlers to the east grassy playground.
      • Children who are under 24 months of age, or who have limited mobility, or who otherwise may need assistance in an emergency (such as children who have mental, visual, or hearing impairments) are assisted as follows:
        • Lead teachers, assistants, and office staff will assist children individually to their secure area.
        • Evacuation cribs will be used for children from birth through 15 months old to transport them to their secure area.
    • All staff will begin notifying parents immediately by school cell phone. The police and fire departments will be notified that the information can be put out on their social media channels for parent notification and unification. The First Baptist Ministry Center, located at 1620 4th Ave., will be the destination if conditions on the east grassy playground are unsafe or unfavorable — however, everyone will still meet on the east grassy playground before relocating. The person in charge will bring a tub of books, games, coloring books, snacks, and toiletries. The tub will be stored in the storage shed by the toddler playground, and the keys to the storage shed will be hung on a maroon WTAMU police lanyard in the preschool office, next to the supply room key lanyard. the children will wait at the First Baptist Ministry Center for reunification with their parents. The State will be notified within 48 hours of unsafe conditions.
  • Sheltering: immediate or imminent situation rendering partial areas of indoor space unsafe and leaving or exiting the building unsafe (example: tornado)
    • short, consistent ring (training: down and up like a tornado)
    • Sheltering drills are held four times per year.
    • The person in charge will use a walkie-talkie to notify classrooms that are outside.
    • In the event of a tornado or tornado drill:
      • Get the class notebook, flashlight, and first-aid kit box.
        • Take a class flashlight so you can see to get downstairs. There are additional flashlights in the basement in a container under the counter.
      • Place a tornado warning sign on the door to let parents know where to find their children.
      • Upstairs classrooms 203, 211, 213, 215, 220, and 223 will exit through the east stairwell and down to the east church basement.
      • Upstairs classrooms 216, 214, 212, 210, and 209 will exit through the middle stairwell (playground) and then continue to the east church basement.
      • The downstairs classrooms 114, 115, 116, and 117 will go to the east church basement.
      • The church staff and office workers will help to carry babies and toddlers. Upstairs preschool aids will come down to help carry babies and toddlers, too.
    • Children who are under 24 months of age, or who have limited mobility, or who otherwise may need assistance in an emergency (such as children who have mental, visual, or hearing impairments) are assisted as follows:
      • Lead teachers, assistants, and office staff will assist children individually to their secure area.
      • Evacuation cribs will be used for children from birth through 15 months old to transport them to their secure area.
    • An ample amount of diapers, wipes, formula, bottles, and additional supplies will be stored in the basement in case of extended time spent in the shelter. All staff will begin notifying parents immediately by phone. The police and fire departments will be notified so that the information can be put out to their social media channels for parent notification and unification.
  • Lockdown: immediate or imminent situation rendering partial areas of indoor space unsafe and leaving or exiting the building unsafe (example: endangering person on premises or in area)
    • A detailed lockdown plan is in place, and drills are held four times per calendar year. The lockdown plan is confidential.

Illness and Health Policy

  • In His Hands follows all mandatory health practices as stated in the State of Texas' Minimum Standards for Child-Care Centers, as well as all USDA, State, and local health department requirements.
  • Your child's health is of utmost importance to all of us. Each child must have a completed medical form an an emergency medical treatment form on file is there is a medically diagnosed food allergy.
  • Our staff will make daily observations of each child by recognizing common signs of communicable diseases or other signs of illness. A child who is considered ill upon arrival will not be able to attend. If a child develops symptoms of an illness, he or she will be sent home.
  • A child should not attend school if one or more of the following exists:
    • The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in childcare center activities including outdoor play.
    • The illness results in a greater need for care than caregivers can provide without compromising the health, safety, and supervision of the other children in care.
    • Unless medical evaluation by a healthcare professional indicates that we can include the child in all activities, the child will not be able to come to In His Hands if he or she has one of the following:
      • Forehead temperature of 100 degrees or rather, accompanied by behavior changes or other signs of symptoms or illness.
      • Symptoms and signs of possible illness such as lethargy, abnormal breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, a rash with fever, mouth sores while drooling, behavior changes, or other signs that the child may be ill. When your child returns to In His Hands, he or she will be expected to participate in all activities including outside time.
      • Make sure to keep your child at home if they have had any of the above symptoms within 24 hours before attending school.
    • A healthcare professional has diagnosed the child with a communicable disease, and the child does not have medical documentation to indicate that the child is no longer contagious.
  • If your child becomes ill at school, they will be sent home at the discretion of the preschool director or person in charge. We will contact you or the person named as the caregiver. We will care for your child apart from the other children until you arrive for pick-up.
  • In case of emergency, we will: call 911 or take the child to the nearest emergency room, give the child first-aid treatment and/or CPR when needed, contact the physician identified in the child's record, contact the child's parent or guardian, and ensure supervision of other children in the group.
  • We like to know about illnesses and reasons for absences. We must know about communicable diseases, to which your child has or to which they have been exposed. These facts are entered on health records that we are required to keep on file for each child. It is the policy of In His Hands that we do not administer any medications.

Emergency or Medical Situations

In His Hands will ensure the safety of the child and notify parents immediately:

  • After a child is injured and the injury requires medical attention by a healthcare professional
  • After the child has a sign or symptom requiring exclusion from the childcare center as specified in subchapter R of the minimum standards (relating to Health Practices)
  • After the child has been involved in any situation that placed the child at risk. For example, a caregiver forgetting a child in a center vehicle or not preventing a child from wandering away from the childcare center unsupervised.
  • After the child has been involved in any situation that renders the childcare center unsafe, such as a fire, flood, or damage to the childcare center as a result of severe weather.

In His Hands will ensure the safety of the child, and we will notify parents:

  • After the child receives a less serious injury. We will notify the parent when the parent picks the child up from the childcare center. Less serious injuries include, but are not limited to: minor cuts, scratches, and bites from other children requiring first-aid treatment by employees.
  • In writing and within 48 hours of becoming aware that a child in our care or an employee has contracted a communicable disease deemed notifiable by the Texas Department of State Health Services as specified in 25 TAC 97, subchapter A (relating to Control of Communicable Diseases).
  • We will provide written notice within 48 hours to the parents of all children in a group when there is an outbreak of lice or other infestation in the group.

Hazardous Materials

In His Hands maintains a healthy environment by cleaning, repairing, and maintaining the building, grounds, and equipment to protect the health of the children. Teachers are trained in using, storing, and disposing of hazardous materials as recommended by the manufacturer.

Immunization Records

Each child must have a completed doctor's statement of participation and an authorization for emergency medical treatment form on file. In addition, the child's record must be updated when needed. Please fill out a new current immunization form or update the form on file in the In His Hands office whenever your child receives a vaccination. A chart showing immunization records will be provided in the enrollment confirmation packet.

Teacher Immunizations

In His Hands does not require teacher immunizations.

Food Allergies

  • All children with a food allergy must have a Food Allergy Emergency Plan signed and dated by their healthcare provider. The plan must include a list of each food the child is allergic to, possible symptoms if exposed to food on the list, and the steps to take if the child has an allergic reaction. The plan must be completed and turned in to the preschool office before admission.
  • It is up to the daycare facility what preventative measures are taken to reduce exposure to a food allergen. Licensing does not require a facility to have allergy-free classrooms. It is the responsibility of the staff to strive to ensure a child does not consume food they are allergic to and follow the food allergy plan if they do. Spacing children out at tables is one way that prevents children from grabbing food from other children’s prepared lunches and reduces the likelihood of exposure to a food allergen. It is the responsibility of the childcare facility to ensure that a child with a food allergen is not fed that specified food allergen. It can be recommended to classroom parents to prevent having an identified food allergy item in that classroom’s lunches to minimize exposure but licensing standards do not require a classroom to be allergy-free.
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to provide the meals and to ensure they do not pack food allergy-type foods in their child’s lunch box.
  • We will do tasting and cooking experiences, so it is very important that you fill out the Statement of Child’s Special Problems or Needs form, Food Allergy Emergency Plan (if needed), and Authorization for Dispensing Medication Form (if needed). Please let us know if any other issues like new allergies or problems crop up during the current school year.